Enviat el primer dia de la batalla de l'Ebre, 25 de juliol de 1938
Sobre al Tributal Militar Territorial de l'Exèrcit de LLevant amb vinyeta Pro Cultura Aviación Allepuz 2154 al dors. Marca sobre la vinyeta "ARMA DE AVIACION / 11 ESCYADRA / GRUPO 2º / 4ª ESCUADRILLA". Datador de La Garganta (Ciudad Real) de 27 de setembre de 1938. Remitent "Capitán Herreros, casa Roja, Carcer (Valencia)".
Sobre amb marca "AJUNTAMENT REPUBLICA / DE / LLOA" i nota manuscrita "Per no haber-hi segells de correus". Datador d'el Lloar de 24 de juny de 1938.
Cover to the prisoner José Manuel Álvarez Arenas, in Madrid's General Porlier prison. Madrid postmark of April 26, 1938, tax mark and censor "SED BREVES EN LAS CONTESTACIONES". Certificate Graus (nr. AT2/85-8, of Nov 28, 2011).
2nd Disciplinary Battalion - Figueres (Girona). Cover from 2º Batallón Disciplinario to the front, franked with 45c Edifil 752, with censor mark of the Battalion used as postmark, reading " CENSURA / del 2º Bon. Dicplº del / EJÉRCITO DEL ESTE".
Cover from Madrid to Albatera Labor Camp, with Madrid roller postmark of January, 1938, to the prisoner Alfonso Calsina Borndons, sentenced to 5 years in labor camps by sentence of April 1, 1937 (see Archivo Histórico Nacional, Tribunales Populares y Jurados de Urgencia y de Guardia de Madrid, signature FC-CAUSA_GENERAL,352,Exp.39). With content.
Postcard to Juan José Leirado Pajares in "2a Compalía, D[e]p[ósi]to de Prisioneros nº 1 Gandía", with clean censor mark "D. P. Nº 3 GANDIA / CENSURA". Madrid roller postmark of September 30, 1938.
Postcard from Batallón Disciplinario, 2ª Compañía, Base 1ª, C.C. nº 1 with field post posmmark of June 28, 1938, to Alhama de Salmerón.
Cover from San Miguel de los Reyes prison to Valencia, San Miguel de los Reyes censor mark "D.P. Nº1 - VALENCIA / CENSURA" and censor number "8" on the text inside. Valencia postmark with unreadable date, but text dated on December 11, 1938.
Cover from San Miguel de los Reyes prison to Valencia, San Miguel de los Reyes censor mark "D.P. Nº1 - VALENCIA / CENSURA" and censor number "8". Valencia postmark dated onDecember 7, 1938, Text inside.
Cover from San Miguel de los Reyes prison to Valencia, San Miguel de los Reyes censor mark "D.P. Nº1 - VALENCIA / CENSURA" and Valencia postmark dated on December 7, 1938, Text inside with line cancelled by the censorship.
Cover from San Miguel de los Reyes prison to Valencia, San Miguel de los Reyes censor mark "D.P. Nº1 - VALENCIA / CENSURA" and censor number "9" on the cover and on the text inside. Valencia postmark dated on November 5, 1938,
Cover from San Miguel de los Reyes prison to Valencia, San Miguel de los Reyes censor mark "D.P. Nº1 - VALENCIA / CENSURA" and Valencia postmark with unreadable date, but text inside dated on October 30, 1938.
Cover from San Miguel de los Reyes prison to Valencia, San Miguel de los Reyes censor mark "D.P. Nº1 - VALENCIA / CENSURA" and Valencia roller postmark dated on October 9, 1938, Very clear marks. Text inside.
Cover from San Miguel de los Reyes prison to Valencia, San Miguel de los Reyes censor mark "D.P. Nº1 - VALENCIA / CENSURA" and Valencia postmark with unreadable date, but text inside dated on September 29, 1938.
Cover from San Miguel de los Reyes prison to Valencia, franked with 5c Edifil 745, 15c Edifil 747 and 25c Edifil 749. Unreadable postmark and San Miguel de los Reyes censor mark "D.P. Nº1 - VALENCIA / CENSURA". Info of the sender written on the inner part of the flap. With content.
Cover from San Miguel de los Reyes prison to Valencia, franked with 45c Edifil 752 and Valencia postmark dated on 18 November 1938. San Miguel de los Reyes censor mark "D.P. Nº1 - VALENCIA / CENSURA" and censor number "1" on the back. Info of the sender written on the inner part of the flap. With content.
Cover from San Miguel de los Reyes prison to Valencia, franked with 45c Edifil 744 and Valencia postmark dated on November 1938. San Miguel de los Reyes censor mark "D.P. Nº1 - VALENCIA / CENSURA" and censor number "7". Info of the sender written on the inner part of the flap. With content.
Cover from San Miguel de los Reyes prison to Valencia, franked with 45c Edifil 742 and Valencia postmark dated on Oct 31, 1938. San Miguel de los Reyes censor mark "D.P. Nº1 - VALENCIA / CENSURA". Info of the sender written on the inner part of the flap. With content.
Cover from San Miguel de los Reyes prison to Valencia, franked with 30c Edifil 687 and Valencia postmark dated on Oct 31, 1938. No stamp lacking, as the postmark is printed on the shadow of what ressembles the place where another stamp was stuck. San Miguel de los Reyes censor mark "D.P. Nº1 - VALENCIA / CENSURA". Info of the sender written on the inner...
Postcard to Juan José Leirado Pajares in "2a Compalía, Depósito de Prisioneros nº1, Gandía (Valencia)", with censor mark "D. P. Nº 3 GANDIA / CENSURA". Unreadable postmark date, but text on the back dated on December 30, 1938.
Postcard to Juan José Leirado Pajares in "2a Compañía, Depósito de Prisioneros nº1, Gandía (Valencia)", with censor mark "D. P. Nº 3 GANDIA / CENSURA". Unreadable postmark date, but text on the back dated on October 31, 1938.
Post card franked with 25c Edifil 685 and Barcelona local Edifil 17. Barcelona roller postmark of April 2, 1938. Sender’s info on the fback: “Dirección: Julio González del Río, Palacio Misiones (Exposición), Barcelona”. Valencia arrival roller backstamp dated on April 5, 1938.
Improvised post card from Huércal to Valencia's Prisión Celular. Sent to Luis Gutiérrez Santamarina, member of Falange. Censor mark "PRISIÓN CELULAR DE VALENCIA / CENSURADA" One stamp lacking and no postmark, but text on the back dated on October 19, 1938.