Lots destacats
Lots destacats
Lots destacats
Cover from Leon military air field to Ahedo, with very rare franchise mark «Aerodromo de Leon, Franquicia Postal» and military censor mark «Censura Militar, Aerodromo de Leon».
International Brigades, cover from the front to France with Valencia meter dated April 21, 1937 Heller Brig. 7 and special censor mark in red “VISADO / POR LA / CENSURA MILTAR” Heller Brig. 4. On the back, mark of the Servicio Central de Correos reading “S.C.C: / 21 ABR 1937 /111”stamped in Albacete
Two Segell Pro Infància booklets with consecutive serial number, GG2283, MNH Both booklets are complete, with 20 stamps each, all in mint condition.
International Brigades, air mail cover to Prague with censor Heller 5a and rare mute postmark formed by three concentrical circles. This is the first time we see such a postmark on an International Brigades cover. On the back, Paris transit of September 8, 1937 and Prague arrival marks dated on September 9, 1937.
Andujar 10c local on front cover to Porcuna, with mark reading FRENTE POPULAR DE ANDUJAR, COMITE LOCAL and Andujar postmark from December 26, 1936. Very rare.
Pi de Llobregat, Macia brown souvenir sheet with displaced overprint and with no serial number, unlisted, MNH
International Brigades, post card to Switzerland only with mark SCC 111 dated on May 3, 1937 (Heller Birg. 9) used as franchise, as there are no stamps on the card. Rare circumstance and rare destination, as Swiss citizens fighting for foreign countries could loose their nationality.
Algemesí, Hospital de Sangre, overprinted TABACOS, unlisted Overprint TABACOS handstamped. Unlisted. Overprinted as a local fiscal for tobacco tax and then used by the mail. The postmark ink is on the handstamp ink, which guarantees it's genuinity. Unlisted overprint (Allepuz 1 for the stamp). Extraordiarily rare.
Spain, Civil War, Epila, four Souvenir Sheet green & carmine colour proofs united in uncut block of four. Allepuz 14, RRR.
Epila, four Souvenir Sheet blue & carmine colour proofs united in uncut block of four. Allepuz 21, RRR.
International Brigades cover with Barcelona meter Heller Brig. 8 dated on June 27, 1938 and field post mark Heller Brig. 85 “Correo de Campaña / B.I. / E. De C. B. Movil” dated on June 25, 1938. Censor mark on the back Heller Brig. 5b and arrival postmark from Pas de Calais. Very rare.