No catalogats i varietats
Segells locals, vinyetes polítiques i marques de censura de la guerra civil espanyola no catalogades.
Segells locals, vinyetes polítiques i marques de censura de la guerra civil espanyola no catalogades.
Els segells d'aquest error de centre invertit van ser impresos en fulles de 25 segells. Nmés 5 segells de cada fulla tenen els caracters senzills a CORREUS i CÈNTIMS.
Un segell amb caracters dobles a "Correus" i "Cèntims" i l'altre amb caracters simples. Ambdós amb el centre invertit.
Cover from Iznalloz (Granada) to Antonio Jaimez Jiménez, Base 1a, C.C. Nº 1, E.M., Carteria Militar B. Postmark "ESTAFETA / CAMPAÑA / FRENTE DE GRANDA / CORREOS". Unlisted trilingual censor mark on tbe back, in Spanish, French and English: "CENSURADA / SED BREVES / SOYEZ CONCIS - BE BRIEF".
Imperforate bottom edge, united with the interpanel, making the stamp 50 mm high instead of 32 mm
Unlisted pair of nd Navarra (Nathan N1) and Aragón (A5) separatist labels. Listed individually but not in pair. Very rare.
Unlisted pair of nd Galicia (Nathan G2) and Navarra (N1) separatist labels. Listed individually but not in pair. Very rare.
Strip with four separatist labels, ultramarine, from Euskadi (Nathan E2), Galicia (G2), Navarra (N1) and Aragon (A5). Unlisted in strip. Very rare.
Unlisted pair of Euskad (Nathan E2i and Galicia (G2) separatist labels. Listed individually but not in pair. Very rare.
Cover with Diezma postmark (Granada) with unreadable date to Barcelona. On the back, unlisted censor mark in Spanish, French and English: "CENSURADA / SED BREVES / SOYEZ CONCIS - BE BRIEF".