1936 (december) Madrid - Vidiago (Asturias).Starionery postcard Edifil 69 with Madrid postmark "ESTAFETA SUCURSAL Nº 7" dated on December 31, 1926.
1936 (september) Vidiago (Asturias) - Madrid. Stationery postcard Edifil 69 with Vidiago postmark of September 17, 1936
Marks "CORREOS - TARJETA POSTAL GRATUÍTA / CORRESPONDENCIA CON LAS COLUMNAS DE OPERACIONES" and "Elorio'ko Euzko Gudaretxia" (Home of the Basque Soldier of Elorrio).
1936 (september) Llanes (Asturias) - Madrid. Stationery postcard Edifil 69 with Llanes postmark dated on September 25, 1936. Text on the back written in Vidiago on the same day.
1936 (september) Vidiago (Asturias) - Madrid. Stationery postcard Edifil 69 with Vidiago postmark, unreadable date. Text on the back dated on September 5, 1936. Central folding mark.
1936 (december) Madrid - Vidiago (Asturias). Stationery postcard Edifil 69 with Madrid postmark "Estafeta Sucursal Nº 1" dated on December 24, 1936.
1936 (october) Madrid - Vidiago (Asturias). Madrid air mail postmark dated on October 15, 1936. One stamp lacking.
Censor mark and postmark dated on December 2, 1936. Transit and arrival backstamps.
Cruzada contra el Frío Label. On the back, Sevilla censor mark Heller S102.4a and arrival.
Ávila postmark dated on November 23, 1936, and franked with two fiscal stamps plus a Cruzada contra el Frío label. Santiago de Aravalle and Barco de Ávila arrival backstamps.
San Roque postmark dated on September 23, 1936 and mark "COMANDANCIA MILITAR / SAN ROQUE". Puerto Real arrival backstamp.
Gratallops postmark dated on July 13, 1936, five days before the beginning of the civil war. Manuscript franchise, as the sender is the postman, Ramon Guiu.
Valencia censor mark Heller RV2.1b and Novelda postmark dated on December 31, 1936.
Camagüey postmark dated on October 9, 1936 and Madrid censor mark Heller RM1.1.
Valencia postmark dated on October 9, 1936, censor mark Heller RV2.1b and Orleans arrival backstamp.
Valencia postmark dated on October 29, 1936 and censor mark Heller RV2.1b.
Early cover of the Spanish Civil War, without censor marks yet. Arrival backstamp.
Barcelona censor mark "Comité de Milicias Antifascistas / Departamento de Investigación / Intervención de Correspondencia / Barcelona" Heller RB3.1 on the front and the back, and Perpignan arrival backstamp.
Stampless cover from Illescas (Toledo) to Cördoba, with mark of Illescas Town Council for lack of stamps and postmark dated on November 24, 1936. On the back info of the sender: Lonrenzo Prats, Artillería Pesada Nº 1, 4a Batería Obuses 15,5, Columna Madrid, Carabanchel Alto. Córdoba arrival backstamp dated on November 30, 1936.
Cover from Tarazona to Bordeaux with Zaragoza local Allepuz 5 and San Sebastián censor mark Heller S49.6, 1936. With content. Sent by the priest Jesús Andrés.
Cover from San Sebastián to Argentina with label and censor, 1936
Post card from Le Bouliguen, France, to Barcelona, with Republican censor mark Heller RB3.11, 1936
Cover from Pedrera to Sevilla franked with fiscals, 1936
Callús unlisted censor mark, not published by Heller, "Comité d'Enllaç Antifeixista de la Comarca Manresa-Berga" on cover from Callús to Los Angeles, USA. Callús postmark dated on August 1936 and another censor mark from Barcelona Heller RB3.11. Very rare.
Registered mail cover from Burgos to Antequera with Burgos local overprint Edifil 83, rare on cover, 1936
Andujar 10c local on front cover to Porcuna, with mark reading FRENTE POPULAR DE ANDUJAR, COMITE LOCAL and Andujar postmark from December 26, 1936. Very rare.
Palamos to Lancaster, USA. Cover franked with Edifil 734, postmarked on 26 Aug 1936, and rare Barcelona censor mark Heller RB3.1, Comite de Milicias Antifascistas.