Cover to Cairo, Egypt, from Batallón Disciplinario nº 4 with censor marks.
Cover from San Miguel de los Reyes prison to Valencia, San Miguel de los Reyes censor mark "D.P. Nº1 - VALENCIA / CENSURA". Valencia postmark dated on February 8, 1939. Censor number "8" on the text inside.
Cover from San Miguel de los Reyes prison to Valencia, San Miguel de los Reyes censor mark "D.P. Nº1 - VALENCIA / CENSURA". Valencia postmark dated on January 30, 1939. Censor number "8" on the text inside.
Cover from San Miguel de los Reyes prison to Valencia, San Miguel de los Reyes censor mark "D.P. Nº1 - VALENCIA / CENSURA". Valencia postmark dated on January 4, 1939. Text inside.
Cover from San Miguel de los Reyes prison to Valencia, San Miguel de los Reyes censor mark "D.P. Nº1 - VALENCIA / CENSURA". Valencia postmark dated on January 2, 1939. Censor number "4" on the text inside.
Postcard to Juan José Leirado Pajares in "2a Compalía, Depósito de Prisioneros nº1, Gandía (Valencia)", with censor mark "D. P. Nº 3 GANDIA / CENSURA". Unreadable postmark date, but text on the back dated on January 6, 1939.
Post card sent by a former prisoner of Casa de Reforma de Cehegin just after liberation and while still being in Cehegin, trying to go to Alicante.Certificates
Post card sent from the prison for women Casa de Reforma in Cehegín (Murcia) by the inmate Josefa Díaz Ciruelas to Pilar S. de Prats in Madrid. Franked with 25c Edifil 749 and Cehegín postmark with unreadable date, but text on the back dated on January 29, 1939.
Post card with mark "MINISTERIO DE DEFENSA NACIONAL / CAMPO DE TRABAJO / Nº 3 / * SIM *" used as franchise, to Barcelona. Sent by José Maria Agustí and text dated on January 21, 1939. It is not clear if the sender was a guard or a prisoner of the camp, as the card is circulated without stamp. Most probably a prisoner's mail would not have been admitted...
Post card from Casa de Reforma in Cehegín to Valencia Escuelas Pías prison, with censor mark of Cehegin labor camp in red reading "CASA DE REFORMA - CEHEGIN / *CENSURADA* / CONTESTE EN TARJETA POSTAL" and Cehegín postmark of January 6, 1939.
Post card to Juan Franco Ramos, in Alcalá de Henares labor camp Casa de Trabajo. Blue censor mark "CENSURADA". Postmark of January 21, 1939. The sender is Paquita Alarcón, from Madrid. Unlisted in Allepuz.
Post card franked with 25c Edifil 749 and Valencia postmark dated on March 7, 1939, sent to Mariano Ballester Navarro, in "C. de T. de San Miguel" in Orihuela, this is Campo de Trabajo (labor camp) in Orihuela, which was in San Miguel seminar in that city. Censor Mark "D.P. Nº 1 - VALENCIA / CENSURA".
Cover from Benisanó castle, used as prison to host a detachment of San Miguel de los Reyes, to Valencia. Franked with 45c Edifil 752 and Valencia postmark of September 7, 1938, plus mark "C T J S / CENSURA", used in Benisanó castle. "C T" may stand for "Campo de Trabajo" (Labor Camp), while the "J S" letters remain undesciphered.
Cover to Valencia franked with 30c Edifil 687 and three 5c Edifil 745, with mark "D.P. Nº 1 - VALENCIA / CENSURA" used in San Miguel de los Reyes prison and its detachments. Unreadable postmark but text dated on January 28, 1939. The sender is a guard of a detachment. With content.
Post card franked with 25c Edifil 749 to Juan José Leirado Pajares in "2a Compalía, D[e]p[ósit]o de Prisioneros 1 Gandía", with clean censor mark "D. P. Nº 3 GANDIA / CENSURA". Unreadable postmark date, but text on the back dated on January 29, 1939. Censor number "451" also on the back. Unlisted by Allepuz (variety of 1685)
Cover from Los Escolapios prison to Madrid, franked with 45c Edifil 752 and Gandia postmark of February 1, 1939. Censor mark "D.P. Nº 3 GANDIA / CENSURA" on the back, plus sender's info: "E. de Benito, D.P. Nº 1, 4a Compañía". Sent by the prisoner Esteban de Benito to his wife Maria Rafart.
Cover from San Miguel de los Reyes prison to Valencia, franked with 45c Edifil 752. Valencia postmark dated on January 2, 1939 and San Miguel de los Reyes censor mark "D.P. Nº1 - VALENCIA / CENSURA". With content.
Post card franked with 25c Edifil 749 and unreadable postmark, sent to Mariano Ballester Navarro, in "C. de T. de San Miguel" in Orihuela, this is Campo de Trabajo (labor camp) in Orihuela, which was in San Miguel seminar in that city. Text on the back dated on the last days of the war, on March 21, 1939.
1938/1939. Lot of 5 covers to San Miguel de los Reyes prison’s 4º Batallón de Fortificaciones, to several locations
Cover with Destructor Huesca, destroyer ship letterhead, franchise and censor mark. Mute postmark with star. Sent by Miguel Moragues to his wartime penfriend Margarita Pascual in Llucmajor (Mallorca). Content dated on February 2, 1939.
Field postmark from tht front to Madrid, with mark "EJÉRCITO DE EXTREMADORA / DIRECCIÓN { SERVICIOS DE INTENDENCIA". Transit mark on the back "CORREO DE CAMPAÑA / C.G. / 13 MAR 1939 / EJÉRCITO DEL CENTRO".
1939, Gravenhage (The Netherlands) - Barcelona. Gravenhage meter of February 9, 1939 on cover to Barcelona with San Sebastián censor mark Heller S49.36.
1939 (February) Tarragona - Vidiago (Asturias). Stationery postcard Edifil 81 with no postmarks, but text on the back dated in Tarragona on February 4, 1939.
1939 (January) Barcelona - Vidiago (Asturias). Stationery postcard Edifil 81 with unreadable roller postmark, but text on the back dated in Barcelona on February 5, 1939. Zaragoza censor mark Heller Z8.9a.
1939 (january) Bilbao - Vidiago (Asturias). Stationery postcard Edifil 82 with Bilbao postmark dated on January 12, 1939 and censor mark Heller B68.49.
1939 (march) Mérida (Badajoz) - Vidiago (Asturias). Stationery postcard Edifil 81 with Mérida postmark dated on March 27, 1939, five days before the end of the war. Blurred censor mark Heller M51.2. Sent by "Alférez B. González, 2ª Brigada del Aire".
1939 (february) Gerona - Vidiago (Asturias). Stationery postcard Edifil 81 written in Gerona, with unreadable roller postmark, and with Zaragoza censor mark Heller Z8.6a. Mark "BANCO DE ESPAÑA / OFICINA DE CANJE / GERONA". Text on the back written on February 7, 1939, three days after the city was occupied by the nationalists.
Paris Rue St. Denis postmark of Jan 12 1939 and blue Barcelona censor mark Heller RB3.13. Arrival and transit backstamps.
Paris Rue St. Denis postmark of Jan 3 1939 and black Barcelona censor mark Heller RB3.12a. Arrival and transit backstamps.