Featured Lots
Featured Lots. Spanish Civil War local stamps, political labels and postal history.
Featured Lots. Spanish Civil War local stamps, political labels and postal history.
Double characters in "CORREUS" and "CÈNTIMS"
Vinebre, INVERTED CENTER, simple characters in CORREUS and CÈNTIMS, rose & black Allepuz 11a, MNH The stamps of this issue were printed in sheets of 25. Only 5 stamps per sheet had simple characters in CORREUS and CÈNTIMS.
One stamp with double characters on "Correus" and "Cèntims" and the other one with simple characters. Both with inverted center.
Very low serial number (8). Allepuz catalogue shows a sheet with serial number 9.
Very low serial number (15). Allepuz catalogue shows a sheet with serial number 41.
Anivesario 19 julio 2p blue and pale blue, Allepuz 687, MNH
Vertical crease near the left edge, but very attractive and rare label.
Very unusual detainee's file of Servicio de Investigación Militar (SIM) Preventorio G
Very unusual detainee's file of Servicio de Investigación Militar (SIM) Preventorio G
Barcelona, CNT FAI, Comité Defensa de Sans, Pro-Dispensario 10c, Allepuz 34a, MH