International Brigades, cover to a brigadist, Perdo Puigdemont, "45 División, Plaza del Altozano Nº 12E - SRI Albacete"

Reference: C03403

International Brigades, cover to a brigadist, Perdo Puigdemont, "45 División, Plaza del Altozano Nº 12E - SRI Albacete". The code 12E was for the 12th Brigade General Staff. Pair of 30c with one bisected and Torredonjimeno postmark.

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International Brigades, cover to a brigadist, Perdo Puigdemont, "45 División, Plaza del Altozano Nº 12E - SRI Albacete". The code 12E was for the 12th Brigade General Staff. Pair of 30c with one bisected and Torredonjimeno postmark. Sender's info on the back: "139 Brigada Mixta, 41 Batallón, 1a Compañía, Estafeta Militar W33, Frente de Porcuna", Albacete transit Heller 37, postmark "E. C. Nº 3" Heller 56a and censor Heller 5a.