Francoist Concentration Camps and Prisons
Postal history of the Francoist Concentration Camps and prisons.
Postal history of the Francoist Concentration Camps and prisons.
Sent by inmate Ramón Pérez Álvarez, Reformatorio, 6º Dormitorio. Unreadable date on the postmark.
Extremely rare usage of Republican censor mark "D.P. Nº 3 - GANDIA / CENSURA" from Escuelas Pías prison, used by the Francoist administration of the same prison in 1940, on postal stationery Edifil 83 to Valencia. Unreadable postmark, but text on the back dated on December 6, 1940.
Extremely rare usage of Republican censor mark "D.P. Nº 1 - VALENCIA / CENSURA" from San Miguel de los Reyes prison in Valencia, used by the Francoist administration of the same prison in 1944, on post card to Madrid franked with 20c Edifil 974 and Valencia postmark of July 6, 1944. Unlisted by Allepuz.
Cover with franchise mark "BATALLÓN DE TRABAJADORES N. 126 / 3ª COMP." and censor "CENSURA MILITAR / BATALLON DE TRABAJADORES N. 126 / 3ª. COMPAÑIA" to Santoña, Unreadable arrival backstamp.
Cover to Valencia military prison Monteolivete, with franchise mark "ADMON, PRAL. DE CORREOS / MADRID / CERTIFICADOS - CARTAS", to José Pérez Álvarez. Arrival roller backstamp dated on January 21, 1941.
Censor mark "CENSURA MILITAR / Campo de Concentración de / SAN JUAN" and Zaragoza postmark dated on Aug 21, 1939.
Barcelona postmark dated on March 2, 1939 and censor mark. Sent from Model prison, 3rd gallery, cell nr. 223. Written in French. Handwritten note "Escribir en español" (Write in Spanish).
Post card to a foreign inmate in Miranda de Ebro concentration camp, 1943. Sent from Cestona to Fernand Teller.
Cover with franchise of Worker's Battalion 17 "BATALLÓN DE TRABAJADORES Nº 17 / CORREOS / 28-10-38 / FRANQUICIA" and mark of the same battalion on top right corner to the inspector of concentration camps and prisoners of war in Burgos. Burgos censor mark. Ex Gómez-Guillamón.
Post card from Patronato concentration camp in Bilbao, to Barcelona, circulated through franchise, with Bilbao postmark of April 25, 1939 and censor mark of the camp "CENSURA MILITAR / CAMPO DE CONCENTRACIÓN / PATRONATO - BILBAO". Addressed to a postman in Barcelona's Section 2. Allepuz 150. Ex Gómez-Guillamón.
Post card to Madrid provincial prison, with Madrid's Correo Central postmark of December 15, 1942 and censor mark of the prison "PRISIÓN PROVINCIAL / MADRID / CENSURADA". Allepuz 423. Ex Gómez-Guillamón.
Post card from Oviedo Provincial Prison to Madrid, with mark "PRISIÓN PROVINCIAL / DIRECCIÓN / OVIEDO". Oviedo postmark dated on March 12, 1941. Unlisted by Allepuz (variety of 440: bigger eagle and different characters on "Sr"). Ex Gómez-Guillamón.
Post card from Oviedo Provincial Prison to Madrid, with mark "PRISIÓN PROVINCIAL / DIRECCIÓN / OVIEDO". Oviedo postmark dated on December 17, 1940. Unlisted by Allepuz (variety of 440: smaller eagle and bigger characters) Ex Gómez-Guillamón.
Post card from Oviedo Provincial Prison to Madrid, with mark "PRISIÓN PROVINCIAL / DIRECCIÓN / OVIEDO". Oviedo postmark dated on Sept 28, 1940. Unlisted by Allepuz. Ex Gómez-Guillamón.
Post card from Celanova central prison to Gijón, with censor mark of the prison "CENSURA PRISIÓN CENTRAL / CELANOVA" and also Celanova censor. Unreadable date on the postmark, but text dated on October 19, 1939. Ex Gómez-Guillamón.
Post card from Yeserías prison in Madrid to the same city, with censor mark "PRISIÓN DE YESERÍAS / CENSURADA". Unreadable postmark, but text on the back dated on March 3, 1941. Ex Gómez-Guillamón.