Auction Conditions



Make sure to read our Auction Conditions, as placing a bid on our auctions equals to the acceptance of the following terms:

All sales will be paid in Euro, US Dollars or UK Pound Sterling, VAT included in the final price and subject to the Spanish taxation on second hand items. According to the European Union laws, VAT cannot be detailed, as all sales are made inside the Spanish territory.

Every auction will notice if there is or not buyer's premium. Hammered lots will be sent after receiving cleared payment via registered and insured mail if orders are higher than 20 €, and via regular mail if they don't reach this ammount.

The bid increment table is as follows:

From 1€ to 50€: 1€
From 51€ to 100€: 5€
From 101€ to 200€: 10€
From 201€ to 300€: 15€
From 301€ to 400€: 20€
From 401€ to 500€: 25€
From 501€ to 600€: 30€
From 601€ to 700€: 35€
From 701€ to 800€: 40€
From 801€ to 900€: 45€
From 901€ onward: 50€

Example: if Bidder 1 offers 60 € for a lot priced at 25 €, his current bid will be 26 €. If no other bids are placed, he will be the winner of the auction, with a hammer price of 26 €. But if Bidder 2 offers 45 € for the same lot, it will be hammered at 46 € to Bidder 1, who was the highest one as he was offering 60 €. So hammer bid is allways the minimum one on the current price plus one increment.

The lots with a reserve price will be considered as with this reserve price reached when they receive a bid higher than this price. For example: if a lot has a reserve of 80 € and you offer 100 €, the bid will be set in 80 €. The bidder can overbid himself to try to reach the reserve price.

The lots will be sold to the highest bidder. If two are equal, the first placed one will have preference.

The descriptions in the catalogue guarantee the condition and authenticity of any lot. If the piece has any undescribed fault it can be returned in the following 30 days after its reception.

If a shipping gets lost in the mail, we will refund it in full. Shipping costs will be as per the official Spanish Postal Service rates.


To bid in our auctions, follow these instructions:

1- Do not uncheck the "Place Bid as Automatic" checkbox. If you did so, your maximum offer would be set as the current highest bid. Example:

If a lot has a starting bid of 10€ and you submitted a bid of 25€ withoud automatic mode enabled, the auction would be set at 25€, and next bidder should have to offer 30€ at least to overbid you.

With automatic bid mode enabled, if you submit a maximum offer of 25€ for a lot with a starting bid of 10€, highest bid will be set at 10€, and next minimum bid will be 15€. If another bidder offers 20€ for the same lot, you will still be the highest bidder, with a offer of 25€. If another bidder offers 50€ for the lot, you will be overbid, highest bid will be set at 30€, and next minimum bid will be of 35€.

To send your automatic bid, just enter the ammount you want to set as your maximum bid in the box and click "Bid Now". The system will register your maximum offer and will place automatic bids for you if other bidders send their offers for the lot you are bidding on. If you are overbid, you will receive a warning email.

Step 1

2- When you have submitted your automatic bid, a blue banner will display reminding you are bidding for that lot and your maximum offer. You can cancel your automatic bid at any time, just clicking the X symbol on the right of the blue banner. If you do this, you will sitll be the highest bidder, but your maximum offer will be cancelled, and any bidder placing a higher bid will be leading.

3- If you wan to make a direct offer for that auction, you must first cancel you automatic bid clicking on the X on the right of the automatic bid blue notice banner, and unchecking thr "Place Bid as Automatic" selector.

Step 2

Example: you have sent an automatic bid of 25€ for a lot starting at 10€, and the current bid is set to 10€, and next minimum bid to 15€. You decide you want to fix the auction on 50€. You must first cancel your automatic bid, uncheck the "Place Bid as Automatic" checkbox, and send your new bid of 50€. Now the auction will be set on 50€, and next minimum bid will be 55€.

4- You can navigate the auctions without returning to the main auction category. On the right and the left margins of the screen there are small arrows. If you click them, the next or previous lot will display and you will navigate to them from the lot page (feature only available for visitors on a computer or a tablet, not for smartphones)

5- When the auction finishes, a message on the screen will notice you if you won the auction and its hammer bid. Also, the time counter will display the remaining days to checkout your won lots; after this time expires, the bid will be cancelled.

You can now ad your won lots to your shopping cart and proceed as with a regular order. The "Add to cart" button will only be visible and available for the bidder who won the auction: other non winning bidders and general public will not see this button.

Step 5

5- When the auction finishes, a message on the screen will notice you if you won the auction and its hammer bid. Also, the time counter will display the remaining days to checkout your won lots; after this time expires, the bid will be cancelled.

You can now ad your won lots to your shopping cart and proceed as with a regular order. The "Add to cart" button will only be visible and available for the bidder who won the auction: other non winning bidders and general public will not see this button.


6- To checkout the won lots:

a) Go to your account. Click on the section "My bids":

On the next window you will see the lots you bid for, including those won. Click on the button "Add to cart all won auctions" and proceed to checkout as for a fixed price order.

7- Despite auctions are in Euros, you can checkout your won lots also in US Dollars and UK Pound Sterling. To do so, add your won lots to your shopping cart and change the currency using the currency selector on the top right corner of the website:

Currency selector