Patriotic Overprints
Patriotic Overprints
Patriotic Overprints
Sevilla, patriotic overprints, 5c Edifil 20 with perfin BHA, used
Burgos, Air Mail, 0.25p, Edifil 19, MNH. The original overprints were printed on fiscal stamps with serial numbers between A6892001 and A6892700. This one has serial number A6892630 and thus, in the serial referred before. Rare.
Cover from La Línea de la Concepción to Málaga, with patriotic overprints Edifil 1-7 and censor mark.
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Download high resolution images: front - back.
Download high resolution images: front - back.
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Unlisted variety: without the E in "España" and changed colour of the overprint (black),
Unlisted variety: without the E in "España" and changed colour of the overprint (black),
Unlisted variety: without the E in "España" and changed colour of the overprint (black),
Unlisted variety: without the E in "España" and changed colour of the overprint (black),
Unlisted variety: without the E in "España" and changed colour of the overprint (black),