Post cards
Propaganda post cards of the Spanish Civil War
Propaganda post cards of the Spanish Civil War
Field postmark from tht front to Madrid, with mark "EJÉRCITO DE EXTREMADORA / DIRECCIÓN { SERVICIOS DE INTENDENCIA". Transit mark on the back "CORREO DE CAMPAÑA / C.G. / 13 MAR 1939 / EJÉRCITO DEL CENTRO".
1938 (December) Cáceres to Bilbao. Postcard with Cáceres postmark dated on December 6, 1938 and censor mark Heller C11.1
Mark used as franchise reading 2ª COMPAÑIA DIVISIONARIA / TRANSMISIONES. No postmark, but text on the back dated on November 9, 1937.
Santander censor mark Heller S65.6 and unreadable date on postmark, but text on the back dated on May 29, 1938. Unlisted in Allepuz (variety of 107, white paper instead of rose, plus pirate-like eye).
Bilbao postmark dated on October 10, 1936, stamped upon arrival. Unlisted in Allepuz (variety of 1656: different type of A).
Mark "ESTAFETA DE CAMPAÑA / Nº 85 / CORREOS. No postmarks, but text on the back dated on November 4, 1937. Allepuz 1672.
Addressed to Antonio Pérez Simón, 31 División, 134 Brigada, Síetamo, Huesca. Barcelona unreadable postmark, but text dated on September 7, 1937. Allepuz 1760.
Unlisted Valencia prison censor mark reading "Prisión Celular / Valencia / Censura". Unlisted in Allepuz.
Post card from the front to Barcelona with mark 2o Grupo de Cañones del 7'62, 1938. Unlisted by Allepuz.
Corpo Truppe Volontarie, post card with Ufficio Postale Speciale 1 to Verona, 1938. Allepuz 732.
Post card from Patronato concentration camp in Bilbao, to Barcelona, circulated through franchise, with Bilbao postmark of April 25, 1939 and censor mark of the camp "CENSURA MILITAR / CAMPO DE CONCENTRACIÓN / PATRONATO - BILBAO". Addressed to a postman in Barcelona's Section 2. Allepuz 150. Ex Gómez-Guillamón.
Post card to Madrid provincial prison, with Madrid's Correo Central postmark of December 15, 1942 and censor mark of the prison "PRISIÓN PROVINCIAL / MADRID / CENSURADA". Allepuz 423. Ex Gómez-Guillamón.
Post card from Oviedo Provincial Prison to Madrid, with mark "PRISIÓN PROVINCIAL / DIRECCIÓN / OVIEDO". Oviedo postmark dated on March 12, 1941. Unlisted by Allepuz (variety of 440: bigger eagle and different characters on "Sr"). Ex Gómez-Guillamón.
Post card from Oviedo Provincial Prison to Madrid, with mark "PRISIÓN PROVINCIAL / DIRECCIÓN / OVIEDO". Oviedo postmark dated on December 17, 1940. Unlisted by Allepuz (variety of 440: smaller eagle and bigger characters) Ex Gómez-Guillamón.
Post card from Oviedo Provincial Prison to Madrid, with mark "PRISIÓN PROVINCIAL / DIRECCIÓN / OVIEDO". Oviedo postmark dated on Sept 28, 1940. Unlisted by Allepuz. Ex Gómez-Guillamón.