Sent by inmate Ramón Pérez Álvarez, Reformatorio, 6º Dormitorio. Unreadable date on the postmark.
Extremely rare usage of Republican censor mark "D.P. Nº 3 - GANDIA / CENSURA" from Escuelas Pías prison, used by the Francoist administration of the same prison in 1940, on postal stationery Edifil 83 to Valencia. Unreadable postmark, but text on the back dated on December 6, 1940.
Extremely rare usage of Republican censor mark "D.P. Nº 1 - VALENCIA / CENSURA" from San Miguel de los Reyes prison in Valencia, used by the Francoist administration of the same prison in 1944, on post card to Madrid franked with 20c Edifil 974 and Valencia postmark of July 6, 1944. Unlisted by Allepuz.
Valverde de Leganés (Badajoz) postmark dated on August 7, 1939, and censor mark Heller V20.1
Peñaranda de Bracamonte (Salamanca) postmark of August 7, 1939, and censor mark Heller P30.7
Valdepeñas (Ciudad Real) postmark of July 1939 and censor mark Heller V5.1
San Lorenzo del Escorial (Madrid) registered mail postmark of October 13, 1939, and unlisted censor mark "[CENSURA] MILITAR DE COMUNICACIONES / [SAN L]ORENZO DEL ESCORIAL"
Ledesma (Salamanca) postmark of July 20, 1939 and censor mark Heller L13.3
Linares (Jaén) postmark of January 9, 1940 and censor mark Heller L23.3
Villarrobledo (Albacete) postmark of January 10, 1940 and censor mark Heller V92.1
Higuera la Real (Badajoz) postmark of August 5, 1939 and censor mark Heller H9.1
Airmail Sevilla postmark of July 5, 1939 and censor mark Heller S102.3c. Local stamp on the back.
Sevilla airmail postmark dated on May 26, 1939 with censor mark Heller S102.3c and local on the back.
Peñarroya-Pueblonuevo (Córdoba) postmark daten on June 12, 1939, and censor mark Heller P31.8. Córdoba local on the back.
Priego (Córdoba) postmark dated on July 5, 1939 and censor mark Heller P87.3. Córdoba local on the back.
Mieres (Asturias) postmark of June 1939 and censor mark Heller M54.3. Asturias local.
Guadalcanal (Sevilla) postmark dated on July 2, 1939 and censor mark Heller G36.1. Sevilla local on the back.
Sevilla air mail postmark dated on June 28, 1939 and unlisted censor mark. Local stamp on the back.
Pelahustan (Toledo) postmark of October 6, 1939 and Escalona censor mark Heller E19.2
Cover from Vitoria to Havana, Cuba, and redirected to San Luis de Oriente. Vitoria postmark of July 11, 1939, censor Heller V107.5 and mark "SANATORIO-ENFERMERIA DEL CAMPILLO - VITORIA". Habana and San Luis transits and arrival backstamps.
Cover from Madrid to Gijón (Asturias), with green Frentes y Hospitales and "HOSPITAL MILITAR DEL GENERAL SALIQUET / DIRECCIÓN / MADRID" marks. Also unlisted censor mark. Gijón arrival roller backstamp dated on May 27, 1939
Cover to Valencia military prison Monteolivete, with franchise mark "ADMON, PRAL. DE CORREOS / MADRID / CERTIFICADOS - CARTAS", to José Pérez Álvarez. Arrival roller backstamp dated on January 21, 1941.
1941, Mainz (Germany) - Barcelona. Mainz meter of February 2, 1941 on cover to Barcelona with censor mark Heller B20.22.
1939, Leipzig (Germany) - Barcelona. Leipzig meter of April 12, 1939 on cover to Barcelona with San Sebastián censor mark Heller S49.25b.