Postal History
Postal History of the Spanish Civil War
Postal History of the Spanish Civil War
Cover from San Miguel de los Reyes prison to Valencia, franked with 45c Edifil 744 and Valencia postmark dated on November 1938. San Miguel de los Reyes censor mark "D.P. Nº1 - VALENCIA / CENSURA" and censor number "7". Info of the sender written on the inner part of the flap. With content.
Cover from San Miguel de los Reyes prison to Valencia, franked with 45c Edifil 742 and Valencia postmark dated on Oct 31, 1938. San Miguel de los Reyes censor mark "D.P. Nº1 - VALENCIA / CENSURA". Info of the sender written on the inner part of the flap. With content.
Cover from San Miguel de los Reyes prison to Valencia, franked with 30c Edifil 687 and Valencia postmark dated on Oct 31, 1938. No stamp lacking, as the postmark is printed on the shadow of what ressembles the place where another stamp was stuck. San Miguel de los Reyes censor mark "D.P. Nº1 - VALENCIA / CENSURA". Info of the sender written on the inner...
Sent from an unidentified prison to Asilo de San Rafael
Postcard to Juan José Leirado Pajares in "2a Compalía, Depósito de Prisioneros nº1, Gandía (Valencia)", with censor mark "D. P. Nº 3 GANDIA / CENSURA". Unreadable postmark date, but text on the back dated on January 6, 1939.
Postcard to Juan José Leirado Pajares in "2a Compalía, Depósito de Prisioneros nº1, Gandía (Valencia)", with censor mark "D. P. Nº 3 GANDIA / CENSURA". Unreadable postmark date, but text on the back dated on December 30, 1938.
Postcard to Juan José Leirado Pajares in "2a Compañía, Depósito de Prisioneros nº1, Gandía (Valencia)", with censor mark "D. P. Nº 3 GANDIA / CENSURA". Unreadable postmark date, but text on the back dated on October 31, 1938.
Stationery post card Edifil 76 to María Cruz Abaigar in the prison camp of Alacuas. Censor mark of the camp "CENSURADA" and unreadable postmark, but text on the back dated November 30, 1937.
Post card franked with 25c Edifil 685 and Barcelona local Edifil 17. Barcelona roller postmark of April 2, 1938. Sender’s info on the fback: “Dirección: Julio González del Río, Palacio Misiones (Exposición), Barcelona”. Valencia arrival roller backstamp dated on April 5, 1938.
Censor mark "SED BREVES EN LAS CONTESTACIONES" on the letter inside,
Improvised post card from Huércal to Valencia's Prisión Celular. Sent to Luis Gutiérrez Santamarina, member of Falange. Censor mark "PRISIÓN CELULAR DE VALENCIA / CENSURADA" One stamp lacking and no postmark, but text on the back dated on October 19, 1938.
Post card sent by a former prisoner of Casa de Reforma de Cehegin just after liberation and while still being in Cehegin, trying to go to Alicante.Certificates
Post card sent from the prison for women Casa de Reforma in Cehegín (Murcia) by the inmate Josefa Díaz Ciruelas to Pilar S. de Prats in Madrid. Franked with 25c Edifil 749 and Cehegín postmark with unreadable date, but text on the back dated on January 29, 1939.
Improvised post card from Barcelona's Preventorio Judicial to Valencia's Prisión Celular. Sent by José Cleries, a member of the Fifth Column sentenced to prison (El Liberal, nr. 20218, Apr 11, 1937, page 4). The addressee is Luis Gutiérrez, member of Falange. Unreadable postmark but text on the back dated on October 22, 1938.
Mark "SED BREVES EN LAS CONTESTACIONES" and Madrid postmark dated on January 13, 1937. Addressed to José Cháves Fernández, Galeria 3a, Sala 3a, General Porlier 54. With content.
Interesting early post card to a Republican prison. No postmark, but text dated on November 1, 1936. Addressed to José Chaves Hernández.
Post card with mark "MINISTERIO DE DEFENSA NACIONAL / CAMPO DE TRABAJO / Nº 3 / * SIM *" used as franchise, to Barcelona. Sent by José Maria Agustí and text dated on January 21, 1939. It is not clear if the sender was a guard or a prisoner of the camp, as the card is circulated without stamp. Most probably a prisoner's mail would not have been admitted...
Orihuela postmark of April 8, 1937, and Socorro Rojo Internacional label Allepuz 1080. Flap missing. Addressed to Vicente Alcaraz.
Stationery post card Edifil 69 to Asilo de San Rafael women's prison, in Madrid. Madrid postmark dated on February 17, 1937. Mistake on the date of the text behind, that mentions 1936 instead of 1937. Addressed to Carmen Huerta Cebrián.
Stationery post card Edifil 69 to Asilo de San Rafael women's prison, in Madrid. Madrid postmark dated on February 14, 1937. Addressed to Carmen Huerta Cebrián.
Stationery post card Edifil 69 to Asilo de San Rafael women's prison, in Madrid. Madrid partially readable postmark, but text on the back dated on January 10, 1937. Addressed to Carmen Huerta Cebrián.