Postal History
Postal History of the Spanish Civil War
Postal History of the Spanish Civil War
Cover from the front to Barcelona, with Edifil 752 and mark "Republica Española / Zapadores / 140 Brigada Mixta" used as postmark and as censor, with handwritten "C" in black for "Censura". With content dated on October 12, 1938.
Cover from Cuartel Libertad to Barcelona franked with Edifil 737, and "Valdepeñas Estacion" postmark, 1937. The sender's info on the back reads "216 Brigada, 3er Batallón, 1a Compañía, Cuartel Libertad". With content.
Cover from Cuartel Libertad in Valdepeñas to Barcelona, 1937, franked with Edifil 737. The sender info says "216 Brigada, 863 Batallon, Compañía Ametralladoras, Cuartel Libertad". With content.
Cover from Companyia Metralladors, 863 Batalló in Valdepeñas to Barcelona, 1937, franked with Edifil 683 & 734. Barcelona arrival backstamp. With content.
DECA cover from Lleida to Barcelona franked with pair Edifil 685 and railway postmark. The sender information says "D.E.C.A, Red Escucha, Lleida". D.E.C.A. stands for "Defensa Contra Aeronaves", Anti Aircraft Defence.
DECA cover from Lleida to Barcelona franked with Edifil 683 & 687 and railway postmark. The sender information says "Jefatura Local de la D.E.C.A, Red Escucha, Lleida". D.E.C.A. stands for "Defensa Contra Aeronaves", Anti Aircraft Defence.
Post card from the front to Barcelona franked with Edifil 749, 1938. Allepuz 1754.
Postal stationery Edifil 77 with field post "Correo de Campaña / Estafeta / 8 May 1938" and censor mark in red. From the front to Barcelona, with arrival backstamp.
Postal stationery Edifil 77 with part of the text censored, with 41 Brigada Mixta mark. The censored text was cancelled with red ink and validated with the mark and signature of the censor. Postmark "Correo de Campaña / Estafeta / 21 May 1938"
Postal stationery Edifil 77 with field post postmark CC12A dated 3 Ago 1938, and 140 Brigada Mixta, Zapadores mark, from the front to Barcelona
Postal stationery Edifil 80 with 140 Brigada Mixta mark used as censor. Not postmarked, but text on the back dated on 30 Sep 1938
Postal stationery Edifil 80 with field post postmark CC12A1 dated 30 Sep 1938, and 140 Brigada Mixta, Zapadores mark, from the front to Barcelona
Postal stationery Edifil 80 with serial number of six characters, circulated to Barcelona but not postmarked. Text dated on February 2, 1938.
Postal stationery Edifil 80 with serial number of six characters from the Aragon front to Barcelona. Text dated on February 1, 1938.
Field post cover from the front to Mollet del Valles, franked with Edifil 752 and postmark “Correos / 145 Brigada ”. With content dated on June 5, 1938.
Field post cover from the front to Mollet del Valles, franked with Edifil 745 & 751 and postmark “Correos / 145 Brigada / Estafeta Campaña”. With content dated on October 23, 1938.
Field post cover from the front to Barcelona, franked with Edifil 752 and mark “Republica Española / Zapadores / 140 Brigada Mixta” used as cancel. With content dated on January 16, 1938. Central crease.
Field post card from the front to Barcelona, with mark on the back “140 Brigada Mixta, 30 Division / Grupo Sanitario / Comisario de Guerra”. Allepuz 1670.
Field post card from Sietamo (Huesca), in the Aragon Front, to Barcelona, 1937. Allepuz 1672.
Cover from DCA anti aircraft unit to Mollet with postmark Despues de la Salida
Field post card of the Milicies Antifeixistes de Catalunya to Barcelona, with mark “Ejercito del Este / Mando / 27 Division” and Barbastro postmark dated 16 Dec 1937. Allepuz 1762.
Air mail cover from Santa Cruz de Tenerife to Denmark franked with Edifil 825, 827 & 828. Unlisted censor mark reading “3/Censura Militar/Santa Cruz de Tenerife” and air mail strike stamped in Tetuan, Gomez-Guillamon nr. T-123. Postmark dated 5 Feb 1938. Rare.
Cover from Lleida to Palma de Mallorca, with mark “Regimiento de Artillería de Mallorca, 37ª Batería” used as franchise. Lleida censor mark Heller L19.4 and postmark dated 21 Sep 1939. Aging stains.
Cover from Madrid to Torrecilla del Pinar with mark “4º Batallón de Flandes No 5, 4ª Compañía” used as franchise, and unlisted censor “Censura Militar / 4º Batallón de Flandes No 5”. Postmark dated 19 Ago 1939. Segovia transit mark on the back.
Cover to Barcelona with mark “Bon. Cazadores de Ceuta No 7, Depósito” used as franchise on the front, and Plasencia censor mark Heller P49.3b on the back.
Field post cover to Palma de Mallorca with mark “Regulares de Tetuán No 1, 2a del 9o” used as franchise, and Zaragoza censor mark Heller Z8.2b. Palma de Mallorca arrival backstamp dated 18 Apr 1938. With content, dated 4 Apr 1938.
Philatelic and uncirculated cover with Edifil 817 and Epila local souvenir sheet Galvez 283, plus censor mark Heller E15.1. Postmark dated 15 Nov 1937.
Field post cover to Barcelona franked with damaged Edifil 737. Unreadable postmark, but clear censor mark reading “26 División / 120 Brigada Mixta / Censura de Guerra”.
Field post card from the front to Barcelona, with mark “Reserva General de Artillería, Cañones 7’7” used as franchise. No date, but text on the back dated 2 Dec 1938. Barcelona arrival backstamp. Allepuz 1679.
Postal stationery Edifil 79 from the front to Barcelona with field postmark ECC No 12A dated on August 8, 1938. Moisture on bottom right corner.