Republican Postal History of the Spanish Civil War
Republican Postal History of the Spanish Civil War
Extremely rare mark "MINISTERIO DE DEFENSA NACIONAL / CAMPO DE TRABAJO / Nº 6 / * S.I.M. *" on franked cover to Barcelona.
Very unusual detainee's file of Servicio de Investigación Militar (SIM) Preventorio G
Very unusual detainee's file of Servicio de Investigación Militar (SIM) Preventorio G
SIM's detainee file from Preventorio G, with mark of this preventorio. This prison was in St. John's convent, in Barcelona's Saragossa street. The file corresponds to Salvador Bedós García-Ciaño, born in Sabadell, Unpublished, never seen before document, that had to be salvaged from the Preventorio G offices at the end of the war, rarely avoiding...
Stationery postcard from Murcia provincial prison to the same city, with Murcia postmark dated on May 7, 1937.
Cover with censor mark "Casa de Reforma - Cehegín / *Censurada* / Conteste en tarjeta postal" in red ink. Sent by the inmate Salvadora Campos, with her address on the back of the cover. Cehegin postmark with unreadable date.
Postcard to Valencia with franchise mark "COLUMNA PEREA / ingenieros Nº 3 - 4ª Compañía". Dated in Cachiporrilla Alta peak, on October 18, 1936.
Cover to Valencia with franchise mark "COLUMNA TORRES-BENEDITO / DIVISIÓN PITARCH / CORREOS". Sent to Nicolás Serra by Luis Peyró. Valencia arrival backstamp of December 20, 1936.
Mark "EJÉRCITO DEL ESTE / BATALLÓN Nº 27 - OBRAS DE FORTIFICACIÓN / 3ª Compañía" and censor. Stamp manyally cancelled with the note "19/06/38 - 21 División".
Mark "CORREO DE CAMPAÑA / (Auxiliar A) / ESTAFETA Nº 58" dated on November 24, 1937.
Cover to the military court of the army in Levant with Pro Cultura Aviación Allepuz 2154 on the back, Mark on the label "ARMA DE AVIACION / 11 ESCYADRA / GRUPO 2º / 4ª ESCUADRILLA". La Garganta (Ciudad Real) postmark od September 27, 1938. Sender's info: Capitán Herreros, casa Roja, Carcer (Valencia)".
Mark "Se autoriza curculación / por falta de franqueo" and signature. Also, Tàrrega town council mark "AJUNTAMENT DE TARREGA" and postmark dated on November 27, 1937. Barcelona arrival roller backstamp of the same day. With content.
Postcard with mark "PRISIÓN PREVENTIVA DE PARTIDO DE LAVIANA" used as censor, and Pola de Laviana (Oviedo) postmark dated on Jan. 27 [1937]. Despite the year is very difficulty visibible, the postage rate of 15 cts indicates that the postcard was sent before April 1, 1937, when rates were increased to 25 cts. Extremely rare.
Cover to Barcelona, with field post postmark with unreadable date, but content dated on July 20, 1938. On the back, mark "2º Grupo de Cañones del 7'62 - ARTILLERÍA - 11 BATERÍA"
Cover from Azaila to Cruce de Gelsa, with mark "31ª DIVISIÓN / 134a / BRIGADA MIXTA / GRUPO DE SANIDAD / COMISARIADO". Azaila postmark of September 22, 1937 and two 30c stamps, one bisected. Sent to José Ruscalleda, Brigada Mixta 119, División 26, Teniente Médico del 4º Batallón.
Sent from Cruce de Gelsa to Sant Feliu de Guíxols. Censor mark "COLUMNA DURRUTI / FRENTE BUJARALOZ / CENSURA" and Bujaraloz (Zaragoza) postmark of Nov 24, 1937. Sant Feliu de Guíxols arrival backstamp of Nov 28, 1937. Sent by the Medical Lieutenant of the 4th Battalion, in 119 Brigada Mixta, 26 Division.
Cover with mark "AJUNTAMENT REPUBLICA / DE / LLOA" and handwritten note "Per no haber-hi segells de correus" (there are no postage stamps). Lloar postmark of June 24, 1938.
Cover with bisected stamp from Siétamo (Huesca) to Vilafranca del Penedès, with mark 134 / BRIGADA MIXTA / Segundo Batallón / TREN DE COMBATE
Cover from Siétamo (Huesca) to Vilafranca del Penedès with mark 134 BRIGADA MIXTA / 2º BATALLON / CENSURA / COMISARIADO DE GUERRA
Sant Cugat del Vallès postmark of September 1937, Barcelona censor mark and local stamp from Pins del Vallès Allepuz 11.
Stationery post card Edifil 75, sent by Jesús García Galán, cmdor. (comedor) izqd. (izquierdo) to Buenaventura Galán Soria. Unreadable roller postmark,, but text on the back dated on March 19, 1937 (1936 instead of 1937 by mistake). Censor mark Heller RM1.1
Stationery post card Edifil 75, sent by Jesús García Galán, cmdor. (comedor) izqd. (izquierdo) to Buenaventura Galán Soria. No postmark, but text on the back dated on March 8, 1937. Censor mark Heller RM1.1
Stationery post card Edifil 75, sent by Jesús García Galán, cmdor. (comedor) izqd. (izquierdo) to Buenaventura Galán Soria. No postmark, but text on the back dated on March 10, 1937. Censor mark Heller RM1.1
Cover to Julio Rodríguez Eguidaru, to General Porlier prison in Madrid, 2nd Gallery. Mark "SED BREVES EN LAS CONTESTACIONES" and Madrid Apartados Particulares roller postmark of January 22, 1938. With content signed by Manuel Caloto.
Letter from "Vapor Marqués Chavarri" dated in Málaga on October 15, 1936, with mark of the prison ship used as censor.
Stationery postcard sent by a prisoner in Marqués de Chavarri prison ship in Málaga harbor, November 3, 1936, with mark of the prison ship.
Stationery postcard sent by a prisoner in Marqués de Chavarri prison ship in Málaga harbor, November 9, 1936, with mark of the prison ship.
Stationery postcard sent by a prisoner in Marqués de Chavarri prison ship in Málaga harbor, October 23, 1936, with mark of the prison ship.