Republican post cards
Republican post cards of the Spanish Civil War
Republican post cards of the Spanish Civil War
Field postmark from tht front to Madrid, with mark "EJÉRCITO DE EXTREMADORA / DIRECCIÓN { SERVICIOS DE INTENDENCIA". Transit mark on the back "CORREO DE CAMPAÑA / C.G. / 13 MAR 1939 / EJÉRCITO DEL CENTRO".
Mark used as franchise reading 2ª COMPAÑIA DIVISIONARIA / TRANSMISIONES. No postmark, but text on the back dated on November 9, 1937.
Bilbao postmark dated on October 10, 1936, stamped upon arrival. Unlisted in Allepuz (variety of 1656: different type of A).
Mark "ESTAFETA DE CAMPAÑA / Nº 85 / CORREOS. No postmarks, but text on the back dated on November 4, 1937. Allepuz 1672.
Addressed to Antonio Pérez Simón, 31 División, 134 Brigada, Síetamo, Huesca. Barcelona unreadable postmark, but text dated on September 7, 1937. Allepuz 1760.
Post card from the front to Barcelona with mark 2o Grupo de Cañones del 7'62, 1938. Unlisted by Allepuz.
Express mail post card from Barcelona to Paris, with postmark dated on January 2, 1939 and censor mark Heller RB3.12a. Paris arrival backstamp. Unlisted by Allepuz (variety of 1754, different characters)
Mark "Columna Perea - Ingenieros nº 3 - 4a Compañía" on field post card to Valencia. No date. Allepuz 1669.
Post card from the front to Barcelona franked with Edifil 749, 1938. Allepuz 1754.
Post card from 114 Brigada Mixta, Sector Pozoblanco (strikenthrough) to Chulilla, Valencia. Allepuz 1710.
148 Brigada Mixta censor mark on post card to Puerto de Mazarrón. Field post card to Puerto de Mazarrón with military censor mark "BRIGADA MIXTA 148 / 1º BATALLON / COMISARIO DELEGADO DE GUERRA". Allepuz 1673.
Field post card to a soldier in Compañía Divisionaria de Transimsiones, 30 División, Base 8, C.C. nº 11 B. Base 8 is the codename for the mobile post office corresponding to Priego. Censor mark on the back. Allepuz 1672.
Field post card with franchise of 127 Brigada Mixta and censor mark, from the front to Barcelona. Allepuz 1679.
Field post card with franchise of 145 Brigada Mixta and double censor mark, both different, from the front to Mollet del Vallès (Barcelona). Dated on 11 Nov 1938. Alllepuz 1679.
Franchise mark of División Francisco Ascaso, Regimiento Rojo y Negro, on post card of Milícies Antifeixistes de Catalunya from the Aragon front to Mollet del Vallès. Allepuz 1758.
Field post card from the front to Barcelona, with mark on the back “140 Brigada Mixta, 30 Division / Grupo Sanitario / Comisario de Guerra”. Allepuz 1670.
Field post card from Sietamo (Huesca), in the Aragon Front, to Barcelona, 1937. Allepuz 1672.
Field post card of the Milicies Antifeixistes de Catalunya to Barcelona, with mark “Ejercito del Este / Mando / 27 Division” and Barbastro postmark dated 16 Dec 1937. Allepuz 1762.
Field post card from the front to Barcelona, with mark “Reserva General de Artillería, Cañones 7’7” used as franchise. No date, but text on the back dated 2 Dec 1938. Barcelona arrival backstamp. Allepuz 1679.
Field post card from the front to Barcelona with mark “114 Brigada Mixta, 8a Compañía de Intendencia” used as franchise, and military censor mark. Text on the back dated 28 Feb 1938. Allepuz 1672.
Milicies Antifeixistes de Catalunya field post card from the Aragon front to Barcelona, with “Valores Declarados” postmark from La Puebla de Hijar dated 20 Jun 1937 and round censor mark “Censura de Guerra / División Luis Jubert / 21 Jun 1937 / La Puebla de Híjar”. RRR. Allepuz 1758.
Milicies Antifeixistes de Catalunya field post card from the Aragon front to Barcelona, with Azaila postmark dated 2 Jun 1937 and censor mark “Circunscripción Sur-Ebro / División Luis Jubert / Regimiento No 1 / Censura”. RRR. Allepuz 1758.
Republican field post card with double censor and franchise of the 145 Brigada Mixta in red, "CORREOS / 145 BRIGADA / ESTAFETA DE CAMPAÑA". Both censor marks in violet, "CENSURA / DE / GUERRA" and different shapes. Text dated on September 5, 1938. Allepuz 1674.
Republican field post card with censor & postmark from the 145 Brigada Mixta in blue, reading “CORREOS / 145 BRIGADA / ESTAFETA DE CAMPAÑA”. Sent by the soldier Jaume Vallcorba to his wife Francesca Sabé in Mollet del Vallès, and dated September 18, 1938. Allepuz 1753.
Manuel Azaña propagandistic post card, signed by P. Margarit, uncirculated. Unlisted.
Post Card La Mascota de la Democràcia, El més petit de tots, Edición del Comissariat de Propaganda, uncirculated. Allepuz 925.
Post card UGT CNT, Unió és força, published by Comissariat de Propaganda, Serie A, nº 20. Rare. Allepuz 314.