International Brigades, cover to France with Valencia meter & censor
Referència 8228
International Brigades, cover from the front to France with Valencia meter dated April 21, 1937 Heller Brig. 7 and special censor mark in red “VISADO / POR LA / CENSURA MILTAR” Heller Brig. 4. On the back, mark of the Servicio Central de Correos reading “S.C.C: / 21 ABR 1937 /111”stamped in Albacete
Més informació
International Brigades, cover from the front to France with Valencia meter dated April 21, 1937 Heller Brig. 7 and special censor mark in red “VISADO / POR LA / CENSURA MILTAR” Heller Brig. 4. On the back, mark of the Servicio Central de Correos reading “S.C.C: / 21 ABR 1937 /111”stamped in Albacete (Heller Brig. 9), and Grenoble arrival postmark, dated on April 24, 1937. The “S.C.C.” mark is partially printed due to the processing protocols: the International Brigades volunteers delivered their mail to a postal officer in the front, unclosed to spped up the censor’s work. So this cover went from the front to Albacete, where the “S.C.C.” mark was stamped, with the cover’s flap introduced in the same cover, but not sealing it. When the censure took it’s action, the cover was sealed, and this is why this mark appears to be partially printed. But if looked backlighted, it shows clearly the full impression. From Albacete, and after having been passed through the censure, the cover was brought to Valencia, where the metter was stamped, and there it entered the regular postal circuit. It bears the initials “F.M.” on it’s front top right corner, for “Franchise Militaire”.