Cover from Worker's Battalion 17 to the inspector of concentration camps, 1938

Reference: C06808

Cover with franchise of Worker's Battalion 17 "BATALLÓN DE TRABAJADORES Nº 17 / CORREOS / 28-10-38 / FRANQUICIA" and mark of the same battalion on top right corner to the inspector of concentration camps and prisoners of war in Burgos. Burgos censor mark.

Ex Gómez-Guillamón.

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Cover with franchise of Worker's Battalion 17 "BATALLÓN DE TRABAJADORES Nº 17 / CORREOS / 28-10-38 / FRANQUICIA" and mark of the same battalion on top right corner to the inspector of concentration camps and prisoners of war in Burgos. Burgos censor mark.

Ex Gómez-Guillamón.