Improvised post card from Barcelona's Preventorio Judicial to Valencia's Prisión Celular. Sent by José Cleries, a member of the Fifth Column sentenced to prison (El Liberal, nr. 20218, Apr 11, 1937, page 4). The addressee is Luis Gutiérrez, member of Falange. Unreadable postmark but text on the back dated on October 22, 1938.
Stationery post card Edifil 80n to San Miguel prison, which was Oriuela's labor camp, installed in the seminar of this city. Murcia postmark dated on June 6, 1938. Addressed to Francisco Ballester Navarro, andsent by Antonio Ballester.
Cover from Madrid to Albatera Labor Camp, with Madrid's Apartados postmark of April 17, 1938, to the prisoner Alfonso Calsina Borndons, sentenced to 5 years in labor camps by sentence of April 1, 1937 (see Archivo Histórico Nacional, Tribunales Populares y Jurados de Urgencia y de Guardia de Madrid, signature FC-CAUSA_GENERAL,352,Exp.39). With content.
Post card franked with 25c Edifil 685 and Barcelona local Edifil 17. Mark “Máximo 30 Palabras / en la contestación”. Unlisted by Allepuz.
Post card from Casa de Reforma in Cehegín to Valencia prison, with censor mark of Cehegin labor camp in red reading "CASA DE REFORMA - CEHEGIN / *CENSURADA* / CONTESTE EN TARJETA POSTAL" and censor mark stamped upon arrival to Valencia prison reading "PRISION CELULAR DE VALENCIA / CENSURADA" in blue. Cehegín postmark of November 10, 1938.
Post card with mark "CENSURADO / PRISIÓN GUBERNATIVA" used in the improvised prison of Segorbe, in the Seminar. Segorbe postmark of april 5, 1938. Sender's info on the back: "Julio González del Río, Refugio nº 2, Calle Valencia nº 5, Segorbe" (C/ Valencia nº 5 was the address of the Seminar). Unlisted in Allepuz.
Addressed to Luis Conde Devesa, Reformatorio de Adultos, 1º dormitorio, Alicante. Madrid postmark of April 19, 1938.
Addressed to Luis Conde Devesa, Reformatorio de Adultos (Escuelas), Alicante. Madrid postmark of February 2, 1938.
Addressed to prisoner Luìs Conde Devesa, Reformatorio de Adultos, 1º Dormitorio. Madrid postmark of March 20, 1938
Alicante postmark of March 16, 1938. Sender's info on the back: "Luis Conde, Reformatorio de Adultos Alicante (1º Dormitorio)". Arrival backstamp. Unaccurate opening.
Sent by Luis Conde in Alicante's Reformatorio de Adultos prison. He notes "Talleres", (workshop). Partially unreadable postmark of January 1938.
The rarest SIM & Republican labor camps and prisons system related piece we have ever seen. Unlisted in Allepuz catalogue of post cards.
Cover from Los Escolapios prison to Figueres, franked with 45c Edifil 752 and Gandia postmark of October 20, 1938. Censor mark "D.P. Nº 3 GANDIA / CENSURA" on the back, plus sender's info: "Vicente Martí Castello, /Depósito de Prisioneros nº 3, 6ª Cñía / Gandía".
Cover from Cervera to Font Romeu, France, with Cervera postmark dated on Nov 14, 1938 and censor mark Heller RB3.12a. Sender's info on the back: "Remite José Clavero Casimiro / Batallón de Trabajadores / de Yngenieros Nº 5, 2ª Compañía / Cervera / (Lérida)". Arrival backstamp. One stamp missing.
Stationery post card Edifil 77n addressed to Preventorio E "Uruguay", this is, the steamship Uruguay in Barcelona harbor, used as prison under the SIM administration.
Stationery post card Edifil 77n addressed to Preventorio E "Uruguay", this is, the steamship Uruguay in Barcelona harbor, used as prison under the SIM administration.
Three stationery post cards sent by prisoner José Blasi Mora from Labor Camp number 2 in Hospitalet de Mar (currently Hospitalet de l'Infant). No references to the camp neither to any of the topics that can help to identify correspondence coming from them, as requesting packets to be sent through Pueblo Español, but all of them in the chronology the...
Stationery post card Edifil 77n from Labor Camp number 2 in Hospitalet de Mar (currently, Hospitalet de l'Infant), under SIM administration, Servicio de Información Militar, with sender's info "Josep Blasi Mora / 2on Camp Treball / 1a Companyia / Base Turia / nº 3". Unreadable outcoming postmark and Santa Coloma de Farners arrival postmark dated on August...
Stationery post card Edifil 77n from Labor Camp number 2 in Hospitalet de Mar (currently, Hospitalet de l'Infant), under SIM administration, Servicio de Información Militar, with sender's info "José Blasi Mora / Campo Trabajo nº 2 / 1a Compañía / Base Turia nº 3". No postmarks, but text on the back dated on July 8, 1938.
Stationery post card Edifil 77n from Labor Camp number 2 in Hospitalet de Mar (currently, Hospitalet de l'Infant), under SIM administration, Servicio de Información Militar, with sender's info "Josep Blasi / 2on Camp T. [for Treball] / 1a Cia / Base Turia / nº 3". Unreadable postmark, but text on the back dated on July 6, 1938.
Stationery post card Edifil 77n from Labor Camp number 2 in Hospitalet de Mar (currently, Hospitalet de l'Infant), under SIM administration, Servicio de Información Militar, with sender's info "Josep Blasi Mora / Camp Treball 2 / 1a Cia". No postmarks, but text on the back dated on July 2, 1938.
Stationery post card Edifil 79n from Labor Camp number 2 in Hospitalet de Mar (currently, Hospitalet de l'Infant), under SIM administration, Servicio de Información Militar, with sender's info "José Blasi Mora / Campo nº 2 / 1a Cia / Hospitalet Mar". No postmarks, but text on the back dated on June 21, 1938.
Stationery post card Edifil 79n from Labor Camp number 2 in Hospitalet de Mar (currently, Hospitalet de l'Infant), under SIM administration, Servicio de Información Militar, with sender's info "J. Blasi Mora / 2a Cia / 2º C.T. [for Campo de Trabajo] / Hospitalet M. [for Mar]". Unreadable postmark, but text on the back dated on June 17, 1938.
Stationery post card Edifil 77n from Labor Camp number 2 in Hospitalet de Mar (currently, Hospitalet de l'Infant), under SIM administration, Servicio de Información Militar, with sender's info "Josep Blasi Mora / C.T. [for Camp de Treballa] nº 2 / 1a comp,. / 3a secc. / 4t polotó / 1a Escuadra". No postmarks, but text on the back dated on May 22, 1938.
Post card from Labor Camp number 2 in Hospitalet de Mar under SIM administration, Servicio de Información Militar, (currently, Hospitalet de l'Infant), with sender's info "Josep Blasi Mora / Camp Treball nº 2 / 1a Companyia / Hospitalet de Mar (Tarragona)".
Stationery post card Edifil 79 sent from Girona's judicial preventory in Portal Nou street to Barcelona. Girona postmark dated on February 2, 1938 and text on the back dated the day before. Sender info on left margin: "Ferran Blasi Mora / Portal Nou, 1 / Girona".
Stationery post card Edifil 80n, from Montjuïc Castle prison in Barcelona to the same city. Barely visible postmark dated on June 1, 1938, and text on the back dated on May 28, 1938.
Registered cover from Madrid to Albatera labor camp, with postmark dated on July 8, 1938. Arrival backstamp and mark "Censurada". With content.
Stationery post card Edifil 79 with mark "CASTILLO DE MONTJUIC / PRISIONES MILITARES". Sent by a prisoner in the castle, known as "Preventorio A". He mentions cell nr. 187. Unreadable postmark, but text dated on July 19, 1938.
Postal stationery to Valencia, sent by Julio González del Río, in Palacio de las Misiones (Exposición), Barcelona. Postmark of May 16, 1938.