Selection of the rarest lots
Selection of the rarest lots
Vertical crease near the left edge, but very attractive and rare label.
SIM's detainee file from Preventorio G, with mark of this preventorio. This prison was in St. John's convent, in Barcelona's Saragossa street. The file corresponds to Salvador Bedós García-Ciaño, born in Sabadell, Unpublished, never seen before document, that had to be salvaged from the Preventorio G offices at the end of the war, rarely avoiding...
Cover with censor mark "Casa de Reforma - Cehegín / *Censurada* / Conteste en tarjeta postal" in red ink. Sent by the inmate Salvadora Campos, with her address on the back of the cover. Cehegin postmark with unreadable date.
Postcard to Valencia with franchise mark "COLUMNA PEREA / ingenieros Nº 3 - 4ª Compañía". Dated in Cachiporrilla Alta peak, on October 18, 1936.
Cover to Valencia with franchise mark "COLUMNA TORRES-BENEDITO / DIVISIÓN PITARCH / CORREOS". Sent to Nicolás Serra by Luis Peyró. Valencia arrival backstamp of December 20, 1936.
Sponsored by the Socialist Party and YPSL (Young People's Socialist League).
Cover to the military court of the army in Levant with Pro Cultura Aviación Allepuz 2154 on the back, Mark on the label "ARMA DE AVIACION / 11 ESCYADRA / GRUPO 2º / 4ª ESCUADRILLA". La Garganta (Ciudad Real) postmark od September 27, 1938. Sender's info: Capitán Herreros, casa Roja, Carcer (Valencia)".
Postcard with mark "PRISIÓN PREVENTIVA DE PARTIDO DE LAVIANA" used as censor, and Pola de Laviana (Oviedo) postmark dated on Jan. 27 [1937]. Despite the year is very difficulty visibible, the postage rate of 15 cts indicates that the postcard was sent before April 1, 1937, when rates were increased to 25 cts. Extremely rare.
Collection of Spanish separatist stamps, from Catalonia and Valencia. Many in blocks of four and mostly mint never hinged. 125 different types / colors. It is difficult to find this kind of stamps in blocks and in MNH condition. You can download high resolution pictures of each page of the album HERE.
Cover from gunboat Cañonero Canalejas with frnachise mark dated on July 28, 1938 to Palma de Mallorca. With content.
Cover with Destructor Huesca, destroyer ship letterhead, franchise and censor mark. Mute postmark with star. Sent by Miguel Moragues to his wartime penfriend Margarita Pascual in Llucmajor (Mallorca). Content dated on February 2, 1939.
Cover from Iznalloz (Granada) to Antonio Jaimez Jiménez, Base 1a, C.C. Nº 1, E.M., Carteria Militar B. Postmark "ESTAFETA / CAMPAÑA / FRENTE DE GRANDA / CORREOS". Unlisted trilingual censor mark on tbe back, in Spanish, French and English: "CENSURADA / SED BREVES / SOYEZ CONCIS - BE BRIEF".
Cover with Diezma postmark (Granada) with unreadable date to Barcelona. On the back, unlisted censor mark in Spanish, French and English: "CENSURADA / SED BREVES / SOYEZ CONCIS - BE BRIEF".
Unlisted variety, legend "REQUETÉS DE REQUETÉS" instead of "REQUETÉS DE CATAÑUÑA". Extremely rare.
1938 Cañonero Calvo Sotelo ship - Villanueva de las Minas (Sevilla).Franchise mark of the ship "CAÑONERO CALVO SOTELO / COMANDANCIA" and censor mark "CAÑONERO - CALVO SOTELO / CENSURA". Arrival backstamp.of March 14, 1938.